Wow! Check this out monkeys! We discovered one of our monkeys telling another monkey a very cool story about an adventure he invented on MiniMonos! So we asked him to start sharing his amazing story with you! --EcoMom
What??? What in the world is planet pie? Well, these stories are about Mutt and his adventures on PLANET PIE! These are fun stories created by me, and the artwork that you will see is by my good friend, MiniJghRocks! Now I need to tell you some of what you need to know about these stories!
Mutt -- He loves pie.... and he has many adventures on... PLANET PIE!
Einstien - Einstein is a GENIOUS! He sometimes helps Mutt.
Bulby - Oracle Monkey's friend, is a troublemaker, but has fun!
(There are going to be more characters, but these are the main ones).
This is going to be TONS OF FUN!! Once again, I hope you love the stories! :D
Ya know what? I think Im posting... STORY NUMBER ONE RIGHT NOW!!!! Here we go...
"Wow this sure is a beautiful night!" stated the Oracle Monkey. " I have to look at all these stars!" he said, getting out his telescope. "Lets see... where is that wonderful star...? Nope not here, not there...What in the world? What is this star...? No its a planet! It looks like... PIE!?" he shouted.
A week later, the Oracle was doing some research, sitting on a rock on Long Beach. Another monkey was playing tag, looking back at his friend, and wasn't watching where he was going. He tripped over a rock and pushed the Oracle Monkey off the rock he was sitting on. As he stumbled to his feet, The Oracle looked at the spot where he had been sitting. He saw a passage underneath the rock!! He climbed under, and found himself walking down amongst many passages.
The Oracle looked from right to left, up and down, wondering what this place was, and walked right into a strange machine! "Ouch! What could this machine be?" He said after he bumped into it. While he was looking at it, a monkey from the shadows came forth. "I see you have spotted the special Pie Machine.." said Einstein.
" What is this thing?" The Oracle asked curiously.
"That would be a pie machine. It used to get to a special world, but no one who has seen this machine has figured out how to power it up." said Einstein. The Oracle, who was very wise, had an idea about how to power it. "If it is a pie machine to lead to another world, then wouldn't you power it with pie?" He asked excitedly.
"Oh yes! You would! Oh I can't wait till this gets powered up! It will be very cool!" Einstein said, ready to explode with excitement. "But wait! Where are the pies that go to the portal?"
"We shall see very soon...." The Oracle said.
That's all for this week, come back next week to see what happens next! :D
Have a Bananatastic day!
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