
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The funniest monkeys.... so far!
LOLHey Monkeys!

 As you know, I have been looking around for the funniest monkeys on MiniMonos island. Every other week I will do a post revealing some of the funniest monkeys I have come across. This past week a lot of monkeys have been telling me jokes and it was really hard to pick the best ones! Finally, after a lot of thinking and hard work - This week I am going to be naming 2 of the funniest monkeys on MiniMonos island!


Q: What did Igor want to be when he grew up?

A: A POOlice officer!! xD Get it? Police = Poolice? HAHAHAHA. xD

-- Lol! That's funny penguitt!


Knock knock

Whos there?


Omish who?

Thats funny, you don't look like a shoe!

--Hahaha, you guys get it? Say it out loud, you should get it after that xD

Great job monkeys! You all are really funny and surely know how to make me go bananas! From this point on, I will continue to keep looking for the funniest monkeys! Leave a comment or tell me a joke on MiniMonos while playing, and maybe you will see yourself here next time!

Until then... Best Bananas!
